Обработка информации. Процедуры регистрации графических элементов
Название (англ.):
Information processing; procedures for registration of graphical items
Описание (англ.):
Perscribes procedures for preparing, maintaining and publishing a register of names and meanings that, under the direction of ISO/IEC JTC/SC25 are assigned to graphical items. The procedures apply to registration of individual items within the following classes of graphical items as reserved for registration in clause 2: a) generalized drawingprimitive function definitions; b) graphical escape functions definitions; c) linetypes; d) marktypes; e) hatchstyles; f) textfont appearance; g) prompt and echo type definitions (for graphical interaction); h) error messages.
Заменён стандартами:
ISO/IEC 9973(1994.12)
Дата регистрации:
Дата введения:
Дата отмены:
Нормативные ссылки:
ISO 7942*ISO 8632-1*ISO 8632-2*ISO 8632-3*ISO 8632-4*ISO 8651-1*ISO 8651-2*ISO 8651-3