ISO/TR 7620:1986

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Название (рус.):Материалы резиновые. Химическая стойкость
Название (англ.):Rubber materials; Chemical resistance
Описание (англ.):Intended as a guide to the behaviour of this material in contact with chemicals as aggressive gases and fluids, e.g. acids, alkalies, solvents, etc. This information is based on practical experience of manufacturers and users and summarized in tables. Without prior knowledge or experience of application, table-based selections should be confirmed by tests, where attention should be paid to the possibility of rubbercontaminating the liquid or gas. Annex with references and tables.
Дата регистрации:01.01.87
Дата введения:01.11.86
Код КГС:Л69
Код ОКСТУ:2509;2512
Код ОКС(МКС):83.060
Код ОКП:2509;2512
Нормативные ссылки:NF T40-106(1984/AFNOR), EQV

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