Авиация и космонавтика. Самоконтрящиеся неподвижные анкерные двухушковые гайки с проточкой уменьшенной серии, класса прочности 1100 МПа при максимальной рабочей температуре 235 град.C
Название (англ.):
Aerospace; Self-locking, fixed, two lug anchor nuts, reduced series, with counterbore, strength classification 1 100 MPa and maximum operating temperature 235 degrees C
Описание (англ.):
Gives the requirements for these nuts with a self-locking feature achieved by forming the upper portion out-of-round. The nuts are intended for use in airborne vehicle assemblies, in which the fastener are mainly subjected to shear loads. The cadmium plating restricts their use to a temperature not exceeding 235