Лаки и краски. Метод испытания на растекаемость при нанесении их кистью на большие поверхности
Название (англ.):
Paints and varnishes; Large scale brushing test
Описание (англ.):
Describes procedures primarily intended for assessing the brushing and flow characteristics of coating materials and related products when applied to relatively large areas of closely defined substrates. Other properties can be observed such as the tendency of the paint toretract from sharp edges and protuberances. For this purpose raised features should be attached to the main panel. The test does not allowed the determination of properties in any absolute or precise sense. The substrate material should be chosen to accord with the type of material under test and its proposed usage.
Дата введения:
Код КГС:
Код ОКП:
Нормативные ссылки:
BS 3900 PART A5-1968, NEQ*ELOT 694-1982, EQV*NP-3025-1986, EQV