Стекловолокно. Определение среднего диаметра штапельного волокна или непрерывных нитей, образующих стеклянную пряжу. Метод поперечного сечения
Название (англ.):
Textile glass; Determination of the average diameter of staple fibres or continuous filaments constituting a textile glass yarn; Cross-section method
Описание (англ.):
Specification of a method for determinig the average value of the actual diameters of filaments in a textile glass staplke fibre yarn or in a continuous filament yarn. The determination is based on a microscopical examination of the cross-sectional area of a yarn by means of an eye-piece micrometer. The yarn is mounted in a dark coloured, non glassy matrix andthe diameters of a given number of glass fibress constituing the yarn shall be measured with an accuracy of 0,1 um. The average diameter of the fibres and the standard deviation of the individual results shall be reported.