Фрезы с цилиндрическими гладкими, цилиндрическими с лыской и коническими хвостовиками Морзе для обработки Т-образных пазов. Метрическая серия
Название (англ.):
T-slot cutters with plain or flatted parallel shanks and with Morse taper shanks having tapped hole; Metric series
Описание (англ.):
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 3337-1975). Applies to those tools which are intended for manufacturing T-slots for machine tools for equipment, in conformity with ISO 299. T-slots cutters with plain parallel shanks or flatted parallel shanks are suitable for the production of ISO slots from 5 to 36 mm inclusice. T-slots cutters with Morse taper shanks are suitable for the production of ISO slots from 10 to 54 mm inclusive.