Связующие для лаков и красок. Алкидные смолы. Общие методы испытаний
Название (англ.):
Binders for paints and varnishes; Alkyd resins; General methods of test
Описание (англ.):
Is also applicable to those solutions and similar preparations made from alkyd resins that are intended for this purpose. The methods to be applied to a particular resin shall be the subject of agreement between the interested parties. The determination of phthalic anhydride content (is only applicable to those alkyd resins which contain orthophthalic acid as the polybasic acid), determination of unsaponifiable mattercontent, and determination of fatty acid content. The methods are not applicable to modified resins and those resins containing benzoic acid.
Заменён стандартами:
ISO 6744-1:1999, ISO 6744-2:1999, ISO 6744-3:1999, ISO 6744-4:1999