Рентгеновские и гамма-излучения эталонные для калибрования дозиметров и интенсиметров и определения их характеристик как функции энергии фотона
Название (англ.):
X and gamma reference radiations for calibrating dosemeters and dose ratemeters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy
Описание (англ.):
Applies to dose rates from 1 E - 6 C/kg h to 1 E - 2 C/kg h and also includes exposure meters and exposure rate meters. The radiations are in the energy range 30 keV to 250 keV continuous filtered X radiations and the gamma radiation of americium-241, in the energy range 8 keV to 100 keV fluorescence X radiations, and in the energy range 600 keV to 1,3 MeV gamma radiations emitted byradioactive elements. Two series of X and gamma reference radiations are established, from which, for a particular case, the adequate radiations shall be selected.