Лаки и краски. Определение стойкости к нейтральному солевому туману
Название (англ.):
Paints and varnishes; Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray
Описание (англ.):
The procedure is performed in accordance with the requirements of coating or product specifications. For any particular application, the test requires to be completed by supplementary information. The sodium chloride usedfor the test shall be white, of the minimum assay of 99.6 % (m/m), and substantially free from copper and nickel. The pH of the solution shall be adjusted so that it is between 6.5 and 7.2. The test is carried out in a spray cabinet made of material resistant to corrosion by the sprayed solution. The temperature shall be controlled by a thermostat. The test panels shall be made of burnished steel and coated by the specified method.