ISO/IEC Guide 28:1982

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Название (рус.):Общие правила моделирования системы сертификации изделий третьей стороной
Название (англ.):General rules for a model third-party certification system for products
Описание (англ.):The rules are valid for the following type of certification system: a third party certification system of determining conformity with product standards through initial testing and assessment of a factory quality management system and its acceptance followed by surveillance (correspondsto system No. 5 as described in ISO/ITC publication 'Certification - Principles and practice'). A certification body operating the system at national level shall as a minimum have a suitable organizational structure and utilize personnel, equipment, and operating procedures that comply with the criteria given in ISO Guide 24 and ISO/IEC Guide 25.
Дата регистрации:22.09.95
Дата введения:15.12.82
Код КГС:Т51
Код ОКСТУ:0004
Код ОКС(МКС):03.120.20
Код ОКП:0004
Нормативные ссылки: ISO Guide 2*ISO Guide 24*ISO/IEC Guide 23*ISO/IEC Guide 25*ISO/IEC Guide 7

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