ISO 214:1976

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Название (рус.):Документация. Рефераты на издания и документы
Название (англ.):Documentation; Abstracts for publications and documentation
Описание (англ.):Presents guidelines for the preparation and presentation of abstracts of documents. Applies to abstracts prepared by the authors of primary documents, and to their publication, because such abstracts can be both helpful to the readers of these documents and reproducible with little or no change in secondary publications and services. The basic guidelines are also suitable for thepreparation of abstracts by persons other than the authors. Cancels and replaces ISO Recommendation R 214-1961, of which it constitutes a technical revision.
Дата регистрации:01.03.76
Дата введения:01.03.76
Код КГС:Т62
Код ОКСТУ:0007
Код ОКС(МКС):01.140.20
Код ОКП:0007
Нормативные ссылки:DIN 1426-1988, NEQ*NEN-ISO 214-1980, EQV*NF Z44-044-1984, NEQ*SFS 3855-1978, EQV*UNE 50-103-90(1990/AENOR), EQV*NP-418(1988/IPQ), EQV*NF Z44-004(1984/AFNOR), NEQ

В архиве лежит ISO 214:1976 Документация. Рефераты на издания и документы (421 Кб)

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