Кислота уксусная техническая. Методы испытаний. Часть 3. Определение содержания муравьиной кислоты. Йодометрический метод
Название (англ.):
Acetic acid for industrial use; Methods of test; Part 3 : Determination of formic acid content; Iodometric method
Описание (англ.):
Specifies the determination of total reducing matter and of reducing compounds other than formic acid. The principle consists in oxidation of formic acid and other reducing compounds in a test portion with an excess ofsodium hypobromit solution. Determination of the excess sodium hypobromite by iodometry. Oxidation of reducing compounds other than formic acid with an excess of potassium bromide-bromate solution in an acid media. Determination of the excess potassium bromide-bromate by iodometry. Determination of the formic acid content from the difference between the two determinations. Is applicable to products having formic acid contents, between 0,02 % (m/m) and 0,35 % (m/m).