ISO 8927:1991

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Название (рус.):Машины землеройные. Эксплуатационная готовность. Словарь
Название (англ.):Earth-moving machinery; machine availability; vocabulary
Описание (англ.):Defines the generally recognized terms and definitions relating to the availability of earth-moving machinery (as defined in ISO 6165) to assist in the communication and understanding of such terms. Annex A provides a means of identifying the field of terms to be used and standardized, to clarify the relationshipsbetween the terms. The terms are grouped into availability terms, reliability terms, failure terms, serviceability terms, and time terms. Terms are in English and French, alphabetical indexes are given in English and French.
Дата регистрации:04.03.91
Дата введения:15.02.91
Код КГС:Г00
Код ОКСТУ:4810;4801
Код ОКС(МКС):01.040.53; 53.100
Код ОКП:4810;4801
Нормативные ссылки:BS 6913 PART 7(1991/BSI), EQV ISO 6165-1987

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