ISO/IEC Guide 25:1990

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Название (рус.):Общие требования к компетентности поверочных и испытательных лабораторий
Название (англ.):General requirements for the competence of calibration and testing laboratories
Описание (англ.):This 1990 Revision of 1982 Guide 25 pays attention to the activities of those laboratories and takes account of other requirements for laboratory competence such as those laid down in the OECD Code of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and the ISO 9000 series of quality assurance standards. It sets out thegeneral requirements in accordance with which a laboratory has to demonstrate that it operates, if it is to be recognized as competent to carry out specific calibrations or tests. For laboratories engaged in specific fields of testing such as the chemical field or the information technology field, the requirements will need amplification and interpretation.
Заменён стандартами:ISO/IEC 17025:1999
Заменяет стандарты:ISO/IEC Guide 25(1982.12)*ISO Guide 45(1985)*ISO Guide 49(1986)
Дата введения:01.01.90
Код КГС:Т59
Код ОКСТУ:0011
Код ОКС(МКС):03.120.20
Код ОКП:0011
Нормативные ссылки:DIN EN 45001-1990, NEQ*DIN EN 45002-1990, NEQ*EN 45001-1989, NEQ*EN 45002-1989, NEQ ISO 8402-1986*ISO 9000-1987*ISO 9001-1987*ISO 9002-1987*ISO 9003-1987*ISO 9004-1987*ISO/IEC Guide 2-1986

Текст ISO/IEC Guide 25:1990 лежит тут Общие требования к компетентности поверочных и испытательных лабораторий (433 Кб)

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