ISO/R 860:1968

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Название (рус.):Международная система унификации понятий и терминов
Название (англ.):International unification of concepts and terms
Описание (англ.):Shows the advantages, possibilities and limits in the field. It will be usefull to persons concerned with the selection and coining of terms, especially during the preparation of standardized glossaries and vocabularies. Although applicable for general use, it is possible that some of its particulars cannot always be accepted foruse in non-European languages. International unification should concern five elements of terminologies:concepts and systems of concepts, description of concepts, external forms of terms, internal forms of terms, description of terms.
Заменён стандартами:ISO 860:1996
Дата регистрации:31.10.88
Дата введения:01.10.68
Дата отмены:01.07.96
Код КГС:Т00
Код ОКСТУ:0090;0001
Код ОКП:0090;0001

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