ISO 7965-2:1993

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Название (рус.):Мешки. Испытание на падение. Часть 2. Мешки из термопластичной гибкой пленки
Название (англ.):Sacks - Drop test - Part 2: Sacks made from thermoplastic flexible film
Описание (англ.):Specifies a method of vertical impact testing, the testing procedure and how the results of tests should be presented. It may be performed either as a single test to investigate the effects of vertical impact or as a part of a sequence of tests designed to measure the ability of a sack to withstand a distribution system thatincludes a vertical impact hazard. The principle of the method is raising the filled sack above a rigid surface and releasing to strike this surface after a free fall, the atmospheric conditions, the height of the drop and the position of the package being set in advance.
Дата регистрации:01.02.94
Дата введения:01.12.93
Код КГС:Д99
Код ОКСТУ:2297
Код ОКС(МКС):55.080
Код ОКП:2297
Нормативные ссылки:BS ISO 7965-2(1995/BSI), EQV*EN ISO 7965-2-1996, EQV*DIN EN ISO 7965-2-1996, EQV*NF H34-035(1996/AFNOR), EQV*NF EN ISO 7965-2(1996/AFNOR), EQV*BS EN ISO 7965-2(1995/BSI), EQV ISO 2233-1986*ISO 7023-1983

В архиве лежит ISO 7965-2:1993 Мешки. Испытание на падение. Часть 2. Мешки из термопластичной гибкой пленки (508 Кб)

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